Social Media for Employment

Employers are increasingly using social media platforms like LinkedIn to find and evaluate potential candidates.Engaging with industry professionals and participating in relevant online communities can also help you expand your network and discover new job opportunities. While social media can be a valuable resource, it is important to remember to use it responsibly and be mindful of the content you share, as it can impact your professional reputation.


LinkedIn offers a free, basic membership to anyone who wants to create and maintain a professional profile online and job search

Private Job Boards

Private job boards are an invaluable resource for job seekers and employers alike. These platforms provide a more targeted and exclusive approach to job searching by connecting employers with a pool of qualified candidates who are actively seeking employment opportunities. For job seekers, private job boards offer a more focused and personalized job search experience, with access to a variety of high-quality job opportunities that may not be advertised elsewhere.


News platform offering high level employment opportunities


Unadvertised Seed to Pre IPO Jobs

Venture Loop

Continuous alphabet job postings

Minute by Minute Job Boards

The competition on these job boards can be intense, as numerous qualified individuals vie for limited positions. However, this level of competition also means that employers can find highly qualified and motivated candidates who are eager to showcase their skills and contribute to the organization's success. Overall, public highly competitive job boards have revolutionized the recruitment process, making it more efficient and accessible for both job seekers and employers.

Built in SF

Online community for San Francisco Bay Area startups and tech companies


Current and former employees anonymously review companies, and companies can post endless jobs


Over 20 million job seekers who have found a job using Lensa easy -to- apply platform


Classified advertisements website with a large section devoted to jobs


350M+ unique visitors every month.Connect and obtain interviews with their easy -to- apply platform

Freelance Marketplace

These virtual marketplaces are where businesses and freelancers can connect and collaborate on various projects. Additionally, job boards often have built-in features such as ratings and reviews, which help freelancers build a reputable profile and attract more clients. For businesses, these job boards offer a convenient way to find skilled talent without the hassle of traditional recruitment processes. With a simple search and filtering system, businesses can easily find freelancers who match their requirements, reducing time and effort spent on the hiring process.


No fee freelance marketplace


The World’s Largest Freelancing Platform


Network to collaborate with top companies

Remote Job Boards

In today's digital age, the concept of remote work has become increasingly popular. Remote job boards have become a valuable resource for both job seekers and employers looking to tap into the global talent pool. These platforms provide a centralized hub where individuals can find and apply for remote job opportunities in various industries and roles. With remote job boards, geographical boundaries are no longer a hindrance, allowing individuals to work from the comfort of their own homes or any location they choose. These boards often offer a wide range of job categories, including software development, marketing, customer service, design, and more.

Working Nomads

Platform for professionals to meet innovative companies

We Work Remotely

The largest remote work community in the world.

Flex Jobs

Destination for remote, & flexible jobs

Just Remote

Endless with out the advertisement

No Desk

Free subscribe to the best new remote jobs straight to your inbox

Remote Hub

Marketplace and community to connect and match you with companies

Creative Marketplaces

The creative job marketplace has become a thriving hub for talented individuals seeking unique and fulfilling opportunities. These dynamic platforms allow creative professionals to showcase their skills, negotiate their rates, and connect with potential clients and employers from around the globe. With the rise of technology and remote work, the creative job marketplace has grown exponentially, providing a diverse range of projects and collaborations. From freelance gigs to long-term contracts, this marketplace offers flexibility and autonomy, allowing creatives to curate their own schedules and choose projects that align with their passions and strengths.


Design jobs at some of the world’s best design-forward companies


Marketplace to sell

Tech to Gov

Transitioning into these fields can be both exciting and challenging, but with the right resources and guidance, you can successfully navigate the transition. In addition to the provided platforms below, seek out communities dedicated to the public interest technology government space where you can connect with like-minded professionals who can offer referrals, and valuable advice. Additionally, consider attending workshops, conferences, and webinars that focus on sed topics.

Cal Careers

California state government roles

Tech Jobs For Good

Mission-driven roles