Starting this company has been a long-time dream of mine, fueled by a multitude of reasons. I wanted to create something super meaningful and impactful, something that could make a positive difference in people’s lives. I believe that through My Ugly Resume, I have the opportunity to do just that. Secondly, I have always been passionate about innovation and problem-solving. I’m referring to being in elementary school, helping my friend’s mom host slumber parties! Starting this company allows me to combine my entrepreneurial spirit with my desire to create innovative solutions to folks real-life  problems. 

Lastly, I wanted to build a company culture that fosters creativity, collaboration, and personal growth. I believe that everyone has it you just need to have it brought to the surface. In addition to getting unblocked, I’m hoping you can stay awhile to learn about tips and trips on our blog; Too Busy Brunching or take advantage of our freebies.

Please make today the best day of your life!

-Nickey Lemley, Founder + Managing Partner

[email protected]


Trust. Empathy. Kindness. Community. Laughter. 


Maximize the chances for every individual to showcase their utmost potential by equipping them with the essential resources required to achieve triumph.


To be America’s premier choice for refinement and grace through our coaching and a la carte services.