The Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad

Becoming a Digital Nomad GuideBecoming a digital nomad is increasingly popular worldwide. Digital nomads have shattered the traditions of working 9-5 office jobs by working in popular remote work locations—including Bali, Thailand, Mexico, Portugal, etc.

Imagine making money from a laptop, in any location worldwide—while enjoying sun, sea, sand, and sangrias? Sounds like a dream, huh?

Thankfully, it’s no longer a pipe dream: You can make money online in various ways, including freelancing and remote jobs.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to become a digital nomad and travel the world while making money online:

What is a Digital Nomad?

At its core, a digital nomad is someone who utilizes technology to work remotely while embracing a location-independent lifestyle.

Unlike traditional office-based professionals, digital nomads have the freedom to choose where and when they work. That’s why opt for unconventional workspaces—such as co-working spaces, coffee shops, or even hammocks on a tropical beach.

Digital nomads come from diverse backgrounds and professions, varying from freelance writers and software developers to graphic designers and consultants.

Here are some of the most common digital nomad roles:

  • Software Developer/Engineer: Software developers and engineers create, maintain, and debug software applications and systems
  • Web Developer: Web developers design, build, and maintain websites and web applications.
  • Graphic Designer: Graphic designers create visual content for websites, marketing materials, and other digital platforms.
  • Content Writer/Copywriter: Content writers and copywriters create written content for websites, blogs, social media, and marketing materials.
  • Digital Marketer: Digital marketers promote products, services, or brands through online channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Social Media Manager: Social media managers are responsible for managing and growing a brand’s presence on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Online Teacher/Instructor: Online teachers and instructors conduct classes, workshops, or courses on various subjects through online platforms.
  • Virtual Assistant: Virtual assistants provide administrative, clerical, or technical support to individuals or businesses remotely.

 Contrary to popular belief, being a digital nomad is not all fun and games. Yes, they enjoy the freedom to travel and explore—but digital nomads are also dedicated professionals committed to their craft.

How to Become a Digital Nomad

1. Identify or Grow Your Skills

Before you chase the digital nomad lifestyle, as good as that may sound, you must identify and grow your skills. Reflect on your past experiences—both professional and personal—and consider the skills you’ve developed.

These skills could include programming, design, or writing, as well as soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability.

You should also evaluate your professional background:

  • Are you a seasoned software developer with expertise in web development?
  • Or do you have experience in digital marketing, content writing, or project management?

Don’t worry if you don’t have these skills yet; don’t underestimate the power of transferable skills. Many skills—such as communication, organization, time management, and problem-solving—are universally valuable in any remote work environment.

Here are some of the most essential skills for remote jobs:

Technical Skills

If you want to become a digital nomad, a basic understanding of technology is important. You’ll use various communication platforms to work, such as Slack and ClickUp. If you understand these platforms, you’re already winning.

Likewise, technical skills you must gain include proficiency in programming languages, web development, graphic design, digital marketing tools, or other specialized software.

Stay up-to-date with industry trends and technologies—and invest time in learning new skills through online courses, tutorials, and hands-on projects.

Adaptability and Resilience

The digital nomad lifestyle is full of uncertainty and unpredictability; it requires a high degree of adaptability and resilience. As a result, you should cultivate a growth mindset and embrace change as an opportunity for learning and growth.

You should also develop problem-solving skills and the ability to quickly pivot and adjust to new circumstances—whether it’s finding reliable Wi-Fi in a remote location or navigating cultural differences.

Financial Management

Managing your finances effectively is crucial for maintaining stability and security as a digital nomad. If you struggle to budget when traveling, you can end up in trouble.

You should develop a budgeting system that allows you to track your income and expenses, and establish an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses or periods of low income.

In addition, explore different income streams and diversify your sources of revenue to ensure financial stability.

Networking and Relationship Building

Building a strong professional network is valuable for success as a digital nomad. You should attend networking events, conferences, and meetups both online and offline to connect with like-minded individuals and potential collaborators.

You should also develop relationships with clients, colleagues, and mentors, and leverage your network for support, advice, and opportunities.

2. Consider Freelancing

Freelancing is one of the most common ways digital nomads make money. As a freelancer, you’ll be self-employed and pay your own taxes.

That said, there are many upsides and downsides.

Here are the upsides:

  • Flexibility: As a freelancer, you have the freedom to set your own schedule and work from anywhere in the world. Whether you’re typing away in a bustling café in Bangkok or soaking up the sun on a beach in Bali—the choice is yours.
  • Independence: Freelancing allows you to be your own boss, taking on projects that align with your interests and skills and setting your rates and terms.
  • Variety: Freelancing offers a diverse range of opportunities across industries and niches; this allows you to explore new skills, industries, and projects.
  • Global Opportunities: With the rise of remote work, freelancers can tap into a global marketplace of clients and collaborators.

Here are the downsides:

  • Income Stability: Freelancing can be unpredictable, with fluctuating income and periods of feast or famine. Digital nomads should be prepared for this, with savings ready if needs be.
  • Isolation: Working as a freelancer can be lonely at times—especially for digital nomads who are constantly on the move. Building a support network of fellow freelancers, remote workers, and like-minded individuals is essential.
  • Work-Life Balance: Balancing work and leisure time can be challenging for freelancers, especially when living in exotic destinations with tempting distractions.
  • Client Management: Freelancers must navigate client relationships, expectations, and communication effectively—even across different time zones and cultures. This can be challenging at the best of times.

However, if you become a freelancer, you’ll need to find clients—which can be complicated.

Here’s how you do that as a digital nomad:

Cold Emailing

Crafting personalized cold emails tailored to each recipient enhances engagement and increases the likelihood of securing meetings via platforms like Skype or Zoom. Mastery of cold emailing is essential for serious freelancers aiming to attract high-value clients.

For entrepreneurs, automated emailing systems like Milkshake offer scalability but may lack the personal touch crucial for client conversion.

Direct outreach via platforms such as LinkedIn yields significant results, with premium features enhancing visibility and networking capabilities.

Freelance Platforms

Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr serve as entry points for digital nomads, providing access to a diverse pool of freelancers. However, for entrepreneurs seeking co-founders or business partners, industry-specific networking and social media outreach prove more fruitful.

Using the power of social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook enables direct client engagement and networking opportunities.

Building an online presence through content creation on platforms like YouTube and TikTok attracts clients organically by streamlining the client acquisition process.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging offers another avenue for networking and exposure, providing opportunities for backlinking and client referrals.

Using referrals and testimonials amplifies credibility and builds trust, paving the way for sustained client acquisition and business growth.

3. Build Passive Income Streams

For most digital nomads, passive income is the dream. Passive income is earnings generated with minimal effort or ongoing maintenance. Unlike active income—which requires continuous work to generate revenue—passive income streams allow individuals to earn money passively.

Common sources of passive income include rental income, dividends from investments, royalties from intellectual property, and income generated from online businesses.

For digital nomads, passive income offers numerous advantages:

  • Freedom: Passive income provides financial freedom, allowing digital nomads to focus on their travels, personal projects, or leisure activities without worrying about financial constraints.
  • Diversification: Building multiple streams of passive income diversifies a digital nomad’s revenue sources, reducing reliance on traditional remote work and creating a more stable financial foundation.
  • Scalability: Passive income streams have the potential to scale over time, allowing digital nomads to increase their earnings without proportional increases in effort.
  • Resilience: Passive income streams are often more resilient to disruptions such as changes in market conditions or fluctuations in demand, providing a buffer against economic uncertainty.

Here are the most common ways to earn passive income:

Invest in Real Estate

You should consider investing in rental properties or vacation rentals in popular tourist destinations. Platforms like Airbnb offer opportunities to earn passive income from short-term rentals while traveling.

Create Digital Products

Develop and sell digital products such as e-books, online courses, stock photography, or digital art. Once created—digital products can generate passive income through sales and licensing agreements.

Build Niche Websites

Create niche websites or blogs focused on topics of interest to your target audience. You can monetize these websites through affiliate marketing, display advertising, or selling digital products.

Invest in Dividend-Paying Stocks

Invest in dividend-paying stocks or dividend-focused exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to generate passive income through regular dividend payments.

Start a YouTube Channel or Podcast

You can create engaging content on YouTube or start a podcast on topics you’re passionate about. Monetize your content through advertising, sponsorships, or merchandise sales.

Peer-to-Peer Lending

You can explore peer-to-peer lending platforms that allow you to lend money to individuals or businesses in exchange for interest payments.

Automated Dropshipping

Set up an e-commerce store using dropshipping methods, where you sell products sourced from third-party suppliers. You can automate order fulfillment and customer service to minimize ongoing maintenance.

4. Choose Where to Live

As a digital nomad, finding suitable places with reliable internet, quality coworking spaces, and a welcoming atmosphere is paramount. While some nomads prefer unconventional destinations—the choice ultimately rests with you.

Are you drawn to the allure of abandoning Western norms, perhaps opting for a secluded tropical island equipped with wifi and a hammock? Or do you prefer the reliability of established digital nomad hubs, where high-speed internet and business-friendly environments are guaranteed?

Firstly, let’s explore emerging destinations gaining traction among digital nomads:

  • Croatia
  • Budapest
  • Argentina
  • Mexico
  • Canary Islands
  • Madeira

These up-and-coming hotspots are poised for continued growth, especially in the wake of the pandemic. However, for those seeking tried-and-true digital nomad havens, the following destinations stand out:

Bali, Indonesia

Known for its affordability and reliable internet infrastructure, Bali has cemented its reputation as a prime destination for digital nomads.

Even before the global upheavals of the pandemic, Bali enticed remote workers with its budget-friendly living expenses and robust connectivity.

Bangkok, Thailand

Thailand’s capital—Bangkok—has an irresistible charm for digital nomads seeking affordability and a welcoming environment.

As a bustling metropolis, Bangkok offers many opportunities for remote professionals, including affordable accommodation options and coworking spaces.

Lisbon, Porto

Turning our gaze back to the West, and returning to Europe, Lisbon emerges as a solid contender for European digital nomad enthusiasts.

With an array of offerings, Lisbon ticks all the boxes for remote workers seeking a vibrant urban landscape.

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague holds considerable allure for remote workers, largely due to its affordability. As a former Soviet Union country, Prague offers a cost-effective living environment, distinct from the more expensive Western European nations.

With its blend of affordability, culture, and accessibility, Prague is poised to remain one of Europe’s premier digital nomad destinations for years to come.

Bogotá, Colombia

While Colombia may not boast a stellar global reputation, Bogotá is steadily emerging as a digital nomad hotspot.

Despite its tumultuous history, Bogotá offers a rapidly developing urban landscape with burgeoning digital nomad amenities and high-speed internet.

5. Budgeting as a Digital Nomad

When you’re working remotely, perhaps your biggest worry is budgeting. If you’ve never had financial discipline—now is the time to build it.

Here are some useful tips on saving money while working remotely:


Finding a comfortable and affordable place to stay is key for digital nomads. Options range from apartments to hostels, hotels, or Airbnb rentals.

While Airbnb and hotels offer flexibility for short stays, renting an apartment often proves more cost-effective. In countries like Vietnam or Bali, affordable accommodations with excellent amenities are abundant, making it easier to find a suitable place to stay without breaking the bank.

Consider alternatives like CouchSurfing or hostels for budget-friendly options during short-term stays.


Food expenses can quickly add up for digital nomads who eat out frequently. While countries like Mexico, Vietnam, or Bali offer affordable dining options, cooking at home can significantly reduce expenses.

Having an apartment with a kitchen allows for preparing meals, and saving money in the long run. Even in countries like Vietnam, where dining out is inexpensive, cooking at home can still lead to significant savings.


Transportation costs can vary significantly depending on location and mode of travel. Look for low-cost flight options by being flexible with travel dates.

Consider the location of accommodation to minimize commuting costs to coworking spaces or tourist attractions. In Southeast Asia, riding a motorbike can be a cost-effective way to get around, saving money on taxi or rideshare services.

However, ensure safety measures like wearing a helmet and having adequate insurance coverage for motorcycle accidents.

Expense Tracking

Tracking expenses is essential for managing finances effectively. Use tools like Revolut or budgeting apps to monitor spending and set daily budgets for card transactions. These apps offer real-time expense tracking and help maintain financial discipline.

Alternatively, traditional methods like Excel spreadsheets for budgeting apps like Mint can also be effective for tracking expenses.

Travel Insurance

Investing in travel insurance is crucial for protecting against unforeseen emergencies while traveling. Companies like World Nomads or SafetyWing offer comprehensive coverage tailored to the needs of digital nomads.

While it may seem like an additional expense, travel insurance provides peace of mind and financial security in case of medical emergencies or unexpected events abroad.

Financial Planning

Ensure financial stability by managing investments and financial obligations back home. Rental properties or investments can provide passive income while traveling. For those with online businesses, prioritize investing in tangible assets and maintaining financial ties at home.

Additionally, understand tax obligations as a digital nomad, especially for U.S. citizens who are required to pay taxes regardless of location.

Stay informed about currency conversion fees and choose banking options with minimal foreign transaction fees to optimize financial management while abroad.

6. Choose Your Work Environment

Finding the perfect workspace is crucial for digital nomads, and there are various options to consider, each with its advantages and drawbacks.

Here’s a breakdown of the best places to work:

Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces are popular among digital nomads seeking a productive environment with reliable internet connectivity. These spaces typically offer high-speed Wi-Fi and amenities conducive to work.

It’s essential to verify the quality of the internet connection before committing to a coworking space, ensuring it meets your needs.

Most coworking spaces are equipped with backup generators, mitigating potential disruptions due to power outages in developing countries.

Internet Requirements

The ideal internet speed for basic web browsing is around 10 Mbps for both upload and download.

While this speed is suitable for general online activities, tasks requiring content uploads—such as YouTube video uploads, may necessitate higher upload speeds of at least 20 Mbps.

For video conferencing via Zoom or Skype, a minimum speed of 10 Mbps for both upload and download is sufficient.

Co-Living Spaces

Co-living spaces offer digital nomads the opportunity to live and work alongside like-minded individuals in a supportive community environment. These spaces provide continuous high-speed Wi-Fi, along with other amenities such as fitness facilities and communal areas.

Living in a co-living space grows networking opportunities and social interaction, creating a conducive atmosphere for personal and professional growth.

Benefits of Co-Living Spaces:

  • Community: Co-living spaces facilitate meaningful connections with other digital nomads, promoting collaboration and mutual support in business endeavors.
  • Convenience: Living and working in the same space eliminates the need for commuting, offering a seamless lifestyle conducive to productivity. Many co-living spaces also offer additional amenities such as gyms, further enhancing convenience.
  • Research and Precautions: It’s essential to research co-living spaces beforehand to ensure compatibility with your preferences and work style. Some spaces may have a more social or party-oriented atmosphere, so understanding the environment is crucial before committing.

Alternatively, digital nomads can opt to work from their hotel rooms, Airbnb rentals, or guesthouses. While these options offer flexibility for fast travel, they may lack the productivity-focused environment of coworking or co-living spaces.

Additionally, internet reliability can vary—with some locations having subpar Wi-Fi connectivity. For digital nomads requiring consistent and fast internet access, exploring reliable coworking spaces in the area is recommended to ensure uninterrupted workflow.

7. Learn to Communicate With Colleagues/Clients

Effective communication lies at the heart of success for digital nomads navigating the remote work landscape. Whether you freelance or work within a company—communication is so important.

Here are the essentials:

Establishing Employee Check-in Strategies

Maintaining social bonds and team cohesion remains pivotal in remote setups. Implementing regular check-ins—such as brief daily Zoom meetings builds connectivity and collaboration.

However, it’s crucial to avoid micromanagement and prioritize outcome-driven productivity metrics over mere clock-in hours.

Promoting Employee Involvement

Remote work can sometimes breed feelings of isolation, underscoring the importance of cultivating inclusivity and a shared organizational purpose.

Clearly articulating the company’s mission and involving team members in decision-making processes can boost morale and engagement.

Also, regular updates and reports keep everyone invested and aligned with common objectives.

Embracing Video Calling

Using video conferencing platforms like Zoom recreates the essence of face-to-face interactions in a virtual environment.

Video calls enrich team dynamics, enabling clearer communication and promoting stronger bonds among remote colleagues.

Using Project Management Tools

Efficient file sharing and project coordination are imperative for seamless remote operations.

You should use robust project management tools such as Dropbox, Slack, or Google Drive to centralize communication and document exchange, minimizing confusion and enhancing productivity.

Virtual Team Building

Nurturing team spirit and camaraderie through virtual team-building activities is crucial for remote teams.

Also, engaging in virtual games, movie nights, or personality assessments encourages a sense of unity and collaboration despite physical dispersion.

8. Purchase the Right Nomad Gear

A digital nomad must have the right equipment before they become a remote worker. But what do you need? Many remote workers overthink this. You don’t need a lot of equipment to become a digital nomad, but you need some essentials.

Among these essentials, tackling internet challenges tops the list for many remote workers, particularly in regions like the Philippines, Cambodia, or India, where connectivity issues abound.

Take Phnom Penh, for instance—an attractive hub for digital nomads due to its affordability and vibrant atmosphere, yet plagued by frequent power outages, disrupting internet access crucial for remote work.

While coworking spaces often mitigate such challenges with backup power generators, not all nomads find themselves in such spaces. For those relying on hotels without backup power, the dread of sudden internet loss during critical work moments is palpable.

What if you have an important call with a prospect or an interview?

That’s why maintaining uninterrupted internet access is non-negotiable for any digital nomad.

But what are the options for ensuring this backup?

  • International Roaming Plans: Major telecom providers offer international roaming plans catering to travelers from countries like the UK, US, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. While convenient for seamless connectivity across borders, these plans may prove costly and aren’t universally applicable.
  • Locked Mobile Hotspots: Telecom companies often offer their mobile hotspot devices, providing reliable connectivity in many areas for a monthly fee. While eliminating the hassle of obtaining local SIM cards, these hotspots may have limited coverage across different countries.
  • Unlocked Phone with Local SIM: For most digital nomads, acquiring a local SIM card offers the most reliable and cost-effective internet access, especially in countries like Vietnam, where data is abundant and inexpensive. However, navigating local regulations and obtaining SIM cards may pose bureaucratic hurdles in some countries.

Here are some things to pack as a digital nomad:

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is indispensable for any digital nomad, especially in developing countries where access to medical supplies may be limited.

You should stock up on essentials like antiseptic, bandages, and plasters to address minor injuries common among nomads—such as scooter mishaps in bustling destinations like Bali.

Additionally, having painkillers on hand can alleviate discomfort from migraines or other ailments aggravated by unfamiliar climates.

High-Quality Suitcase

Opting for a sturdy suitcase over a backpack ensures the protection of your belongings, particularly when navigating the rigors of airport travel.

You must invest in a suitcase equipped with reliable locks to thwart potential theft attempts, as tales of pilfered luggage are not uncommon in transit hubs worldwide.

American Tourister suitcases, renowned for their durability and backed by 10-year warranties, offer peace of mind for nomads safeguarding valuable gear.

Destination-Appropriate Clothing

Strike a balance between practicality and minimalism when packing clothes for your digital nomad adventures. While it’s tempting to overpack, especially for extended trips, prioritize versatile garments suited to your destination’s climate and culture.

Consider purchasing attire locally upon arrival to embrace the spirit of adventure while lightening your load. Don’t forget essentials like a warm jacket and umbrella to weather unexpected changes in atmospheric conditions.

Passport Case

Protect your passport from wear and tear with a dedicated passport case—an often overlooked yet crucial accessory for globetrotters. Shielding your passport from damage is paramount, as airport personnel may reject travel documents exhibiting signs of wear or tear.

Investing in a durable passport case, available at a nominal cost online, ensures your vital identification remains pristine and presentable during your journeys.

9. Stay Healthy When Working Remotely 

Deciding to embark on the journey of becoming a digital nomad is a significant choice fraught with challenges. Among these challenges—prioritizing health and fitness is crucial.

Here’s how to stay healthy when you’re a remote worker:

Positive Thoughts

Positive affirmations play a pivotal role in navigating these challenges. Developing the habit of writing down and vocalizing affirmations daily is endorsed by successful figures across different domains.

Regardless of one’s spiritual inclinations, breeding a positive mindset is important. Such affirmations become the cornerstone of resilience during tough times, guiding you toward your goals—even in prolonged journeys like building an online business.

Continuous Learning

Embracing a spirit of curiosity and learning while on the journey is highly encouraged. Whether it’s mastering a new language, exploring dance, or delving into acting, the growth opportunities are boundless.

Both offline and online platforms offer avenues for acquiring new skills and encouraging personal development along the way.

Setting Boundaries

As the saying goes: “Discipline equals freedom.” This saying holds, especially concerning health and well-being. Many digital nomads love to party and drink; while it’s essential to enjoy life’s pleasures, establishing limits on unhealthy habits is crucial.

Discipline in areas like nutrition and substance consumption safeguards against detrimental lifestyle choices—particularly when working remotely from exotic locations.

Prioritizing Physical Activity

Maintaining an exercise regimen is vital for remote workers, and it doesn’t necessarily require access to a gym. Although some locations may pose challenges, options like running offer versatility and accessibility.

Besides, amenities like bicycle rentals, swimming pools, and outdoor gyms are in most digital nomad hotspots.

Final Thoughts

The digital nomad lifestyle is truly rising worldwide; as remote work increases, this will only become more popular. However, the lifestyle comes with advantages and disadvantages: You’ll need to prepare for these.

But if you follow the tips in this guide, you can make money online, travel the world, and live the dream! We encourage you to follow that dream.

At Remoters, our passion is giving remote workers the best resources and tools on the internet.

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